mental health

Prioritizing Your Wellbeing: A Guide to Strengthening Your Mental Health


This guide has a dual purpose: to assist people in navigating through difficult times and to provide a proactive guide for recognizing and promoting positive mental health. Here you will find quick activities and practical tips on managing some of the most common feelings and experiences people find challenging on the road to returning physical and mental health. For example, relaxation techniques, having a meeting with yourself, self-assessment, workout, sleep, reading, creative expression, hobbies, sunshine, nutrition, having fun, environment, relationships, substance use, and a little extra help from you. Use this book as a tool rather than as a novel and notice how it assists in being present, moving forward, and feeling better. Remember, you are not alone. Strong mental health is an important part of yourself that demands respect, recognition, understanding, and attention when it signals that things may not be quite right. You are the most important person in your life!

Wellbeing is a very personal and unique experience. It spans physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and often reflects our relationships, involvement, security, a sense of purpose, growth, contribution, and a safe and livable environment. However, many people experience life disruptions that give rise to mental health challenges. During these tough times, days can feel long, difficult, and challenging. Finding ways to get through these tough spots and return to more positive feelings, mental clarity, and happiness can be difficult and confusing. It often feels like too much work or isn’t high on the priority list. There are many resources available, but they often don’t provide practical and easy-to-use tools. Many people don’t know where or how to start or what to do when the situation becomes difficult. This book is designed to be that tool, a place to start, or a guideline of activities.

Defining Mental Health

Before we get into discussing how to strengthen our mental health, it’s important to know what mental health actually means. Mental health is a broad term utilized to define the absence of mental illness. This explains why, if someone is not labeled as “mentally ill”, they are regarded as “normal.” Unfortunately, this is not the complete story. Just as we all possess physical health, we all possess mental health. We can all be healthy or unhealthy in respect to our minds. Many of us have come across the state of emotional ill-being, or simply not on top of our game, yet have chosen to ignore it and assume it will fade away on its own. Yet, such states cannot be ignored. They are important aspects of mental health which we all need to be aware of. Clearly, the term “mental health” is a multi-dimensional one and involves a number of factors. These include an individual’s general well-being, the absence of mental illness, and the presence of protective factors such as social support and a good standard of living. The World Health Organization defines mental health as “a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.” This definition brings out the point that it’s not just the lack of mental illness that creates a mentally well person, but also the presence of factors that promote an individual’s general well-being. Social support, appropriate risk factors, and a healthy standard of living also play a role in helping the individual achieve a state of mental health.

Understanding the Importance of Mental Health

Whether or not we have a diagnosed mental health problem, we all experience fluctuations in mental health. Mental health problems are common and, due to the impact they may have on our lives, play an important role in our public health. Prioritizing and addressing mental health is important to enhance overall health and well-being. Good mental health can improve our zest for life, while poor mental health might erode it. Though the absence of mental health problems does not necessarily mean good mental health, the basic premise is that good mental health is fundamental to the quality of life. Research says good mental health isn’t just the absence of a mental health problem. It is the presence of positive characteristics in our lives such as happiness, a sense of fulfillment, inner peace, job satisfaction, and good relationships. As we see, good mental health isn’t just about accepting who we are but creating a life that we truly care and feel good about.

The significance of mental health, quite undervalued till a few years ago, is now being magnified. The advent of the mental health awareness movement has shone a light on the systemic negligence of mental health and its implications on our quality of life, and has, as a result, invaluably stressed the importance of mental health. It has created an understanding that mental health is as important as physical health. The modern understanding of mental health focuses on mental wellbeing rather than simply on the presence or absence of a mental illness.

Impact on Overall Wellbeing

Society sometimes downplays the severity of mental health problems by reemphasizing the importance of overall wellness because we understand that everyone experiences stress and may feel overwhelmed at times. We can, however, continue to struggle with our mental health and wellbeing even after the stressful situation has resolved. To ensure that individuals grappling with a mental health problem receive the treatment they need, WHO promotes an integrated approach that focuses on building awareness into existing crisis and pre-crisis systems and combines emergency support with longer-term prevention strategies. They define a sense of wellbeing as feeling happy, content, and comfortable while also feeling respected and valued—a sense of purpose and connection to others.

When we talk about mental health, we’re talking about more than being sad or feeling worried; instead, we’re talking about our overall wellbeing. People who are mentally healthy are able to think clearly, have good self-esteem, are able to meet demands of daily life, can build and maintain good relationships, and cope with an occasional crisis. Mental health problems, such as anxiety or depression, can impact the way we think and feel and make it difficult to fully engage in our day-to-day lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) says that living with a mental health problem can make it harder to keep up with responsibilities at home, school, or work. Additionally, WHO reports that about half of mental health problems present before a person is 14 years old, and three-quarters of mental health problems begin by the age of 2Many social and environmental factors can negatively affect mental health, such as economic instability, social injustices, and social interactions or relationships. Furthermore, many people experience mental health problems after a traumatic event, like a natural disaster or a terrorist attack.

Practical Strategies for Enhancing Mental Health

Eat a healthy, balanced meal, including plenty of vegetables and fruits, can help to keep anxiety at bay. Taking small steps, such as eating a nutritious dinner or supper and skipping candy, can help.

Engaging in regular exercise makes you feel better, escape long-term health issues, lower depression, while making you sleep better. Whether it is tennis, jogging, or the gym, find activities that you can enjoy and then exercise for 30 minutes or maybe more almost every day. This type of reassurance can also lead to the production of endorphins, usually known as the body’s natural feel-good hormones. It may even be useful to find sports or physical activities you enjoy in order to make regular exercise a habit, without the pressure of long-term organ science.

Positive thinking can help to build self-confidence and absorption. It promotes concentration and productivity and can assist in improving reasoning skills. Moreover, it can result in better interactions with your peers as well.

Mental health spans a broad spectrum of experiences, from better mental fitness to extraordinary capabilities. Whatever point you find yourself on that spectrum, particularly if it goes to the lowest ebb, you can boost your mental health. Many of the strategies for care are simple to learn and even easier to put into lifestyles. But they take a little work to ascertain, just as it takes time to grow a strong body.

Self-Care Practices

It is helpful for you to take the attitude that you are a little more than just okay – not only because it is reinforcing itself, but also because everything in culture or so many world can drag you down. Hard times are bound to happen and it is good to “snap out of it” as quickly as possible. It is supportive to explore what you need to have on your own to promote your mental health. If you work with an individual who offers mental health services (or are thinking about doing so), talk to them directly about practices. You don’t need to wait for problems to grow before focusing on your mental health effectively. That requires you to push all your own limits every day of the year. You’re much broader and quite more valuable.

Self-care contributes to a healthy life, and mental health care that works well often consists of practices that are good for your life as a whole. Along with those and knowing your strategies are practices that may work for you in particular at a given time, like a comfortable posture, preppy music, walking outside, or having quiet time to yourself. But first, here are some big picture perspective points to tuck into your mental health kit. When looking at your mental health in general, it is important to keep a balanced attitude. There are many gray areas between “perfectly healthy and with it all together” and “sick and struggling with life.” Good mental health is not a total absence of concerns or symptoms, and it is normal to feel the pressures of life.

Seeking Professional Help

With this being said, seeing a therapist is a personal decision to make. It is also important to find the right therapist for you. Everyone has different personalities and communication styles, so it is okay to search for a therapist that you feel comfortable with. It is also okay to see different therapists until you find the right one.

For many, discussing personal feelings is uncomfortable. It can be hard to admit that we are struggling and even harder to ask for help. I would like to remind you that there is an extensive network of individuals whose entire profession is to help you through the challenges that come as a part of life. Seeing a mental health professional does not mean that something is inherently wrong with you. Psychologically, talking through situations and discussing your feelings is a healthy way to process emotions and thoughts. It should be normalized just like going to any other medical professional.

If any part of your mental health begins to interfere with your day-to-day life, it might be beneficial to reach out to a mental health professional. I know it can be incredibly intimidating to seek professional help, and often there is a negative stereotype surrounding counseling; however, seeing a mental health professional does not mean there is something inherently wrong with you. Even those who are not experiencing a severe mental health struggle can benefit from talking to a mental health professional. We all have thoughts, feelings, and emotions – and reaching out to someone who has experience helping individuals navigate these thoughts can provide perspective and tell us that we are not alone.

Types of Mental Health Professionals

Psychologist: Some psychologists have completed a Ph.D., Psy.D., or Ed.D. program in psychology, while others have master’s degrees in psychology. Although all psychologists are highly trained in the assessment and diagnosis of mental health problems and employed in diverse settings – such as educational institutions, worksites, or private clinical practice – only those psychologists with a doctorate are allowed to call themselves “psychologists”. They gather firsthand information about their patients’ mental functioning and thereby offer accurate diagnoses. The majority of psychologists offer different treatments, such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Group Therapy, and Family Therapy, for all age groups. Some psychologists have gained experience with special techniques, such as hypnotherapy. Organizations prefer to hire psychologists to teach college classes.

Psychiatrist: A psychiatrist is a medical doctor. After obtaining a medical degree, psychiatrists must complete a four-year residency training in psychiatry, which involves learning various types of psychotherapy and the use of medications. Psychiatrists have the authority to prescribe medication for treating mental health issues. Some of them work at psychiatric hospitals, while others work at different kinds of hospitals, in the prison setting, or in private and public clinics. Their expertise is helpful in cases where mental health issues appear as a consequence of pharmaceutical side effects or occur because of drug or alcohol dependency. What distinguishes psychiatrists from other mental health professionals is their ability to assess both the mental and physical aspects of psychological problems and their strong focus on medication management.

When someone begins the journey of seeking mental health professionals’ support, they may wonder what the differences are between the various mental health professionals. Below, there’s a brief description of some types of mental health professionals’ more significant roles in diagnosing and treating emotional and psychological disorders.

Building a Supportive Environment

Having supportive friends and family is also crucial to maintaining mental health. Presence does not necessarily mean that there should always be a solution – it can mean being a listening ear or a source of comfort. Offer help, and let them know they are not alone. When stigma feels overwhelming, it is important for loved ones to remind them that fear should not stop them from doing what they dream or need to do. Validating feelings and perspective, providing non-judgmental support, and not blaming them for their illness helps to create the environment for healing.

Building a supportive, diverse environment is key in maintaining mental health. Often, those battling invisible illness face stigma that can make it harder to combat alone. In the workplace and across campus, be aware of the way that you may treat those around you. Have an open-door policy, support colleagues and students who may be struggling, and encourage resources to make mental wellbeing top priority. Small steps go a long way in making a big difference.

Importance of Social Connections

Even in challenging times, spending time with loved ones can make a giant difference in our lives. Just as expressions of concern, compassion, and kindness improve the receiver’s emotional state, making us feel more connected helps us too. Our actions and interconnectedness come full circle, offering psychological and physical benefits for all involved. In short, strong social connections provide emotional support, boost our immune systems, and enhance emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. And social connection encompasses the many, varied ways that we foster our relationships. From face-to-face communication, with verbal and non-verbal messages, to increasingly feature-rich online platforms, to writing letters and visiting virtually, how we stay connected makes all the difference.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have experienced emptiness, a strong yearning for the company of others, and even feelings of isolation. Though being physically apart from each other has proved to be vital as we endeavor to stop the spread, the reality is that staying connected is more important now than ever before. A substantial body of research connects social connection with mental and emotional wellbeing. In addition, staying connected has been shown to improve physical wellbeing. People who feel more socially connected and less disconnected experience fewer colds and recover more quickly when they do become ill. Nurturing our social connections bestows physical and mental health benefits. As we take five moments in our day to stop, connect, and reset, we support our emotional and mental wellbeing. The truth is that we need each other in ways both highly beneficial and life-preserving.

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